In understanding The Book of Revelation it is a must to keep all of the subjects discussed in their order, and then it is easy to truly understand what Jesus Christ was telling his servant John about the end of this Age.

Chapter 1:  Christ is verified as the one telling John what will happen from His Resurrection of the Cross-to the New Heaven and New Earth and that Christ’s followers will be Kings and Priests.

Chapter 2 & 3: Letters to the 7 Churches and their issues, present and future Churches.

Chapter 4:  After all the 7 Church Era’s, 2 Millennium’s, (2,000 years) and then God’s Throne through Christ is established.

Chapter 5:   Christ is worthy to judge the Earth & all of mankind. Angels Thank God for the redemption of mankind on Earth.

Chapter 6:  The 7 seals discussed here are representing the problems on Earth from Christ’s 1st Resurrection (3 days after his crucifixion) until His 2nd Coming.

Chapter 7:  At Christ’s 2nd coming, the 144,000, the elect are resurrected, (all called in the Disciples time) and all the rest of the called by God are resurrected with them from the 7 Church Era’s.

Chapter 8-10:  After Christ’s 2nd coming there is War on the Earth sent by God to put down all rebellious authority, not mans war against each other. This is the first description about the Battle of Armageddon in the Book of Revelation.

Chapter 11: The 2 witnesses in Jerusalem; and more on how Christ takes the Throne of this Earth away from Satan and as in chapters 8-10 mans rebellion against Christ coming to reign.

Chapter 12:  Discusses the birth of Christ as a baby and how Satan tries to destroy him and it establishes Christ as the one who will replace Satan and also tells the fact that this Satan He replaces is the same Satan that caused havoc with accusing the Church throughout the Ages.

Chapter 13:  Discusses Satan’s Beast Power (nation leaders under Satan’s influence) here on the Earth during the Church Age until Christ’s 2nd coming.

Chapter 14: Goes back now to Christ at his 2nd coming on Mr. Zion with all of the resurrected Saints and again about the battle of Armageddon.

Chapter 15: The 7 last plagues (the number 7 means complete) on Earth by Christ. All of mankind that is left on earth will have a chance to come to Christ and be saved, “Revelation 14:6”.

Chapter 16: Gives more detail about the last plagues on Earth and the doom of Babylon. (Again these are the Governments under the sway of Satan). See Revelation 17:17-18.

Chapter 17: Discusses more detail about the Beast Power. It has 2 divisions, Babylon, the Religious side, and Babylon, the Government side. They fight against each other and the Gov. Side defeats the Religious side.

Chapter 18: Discusses again the Religious side of Babylon is destroyed and now the Government side is destroyed by God. (Christ judges her).

Chapter 19; we return now again to recognize Christ as being on the Earth & the marriage supper with the Resurrected Saints, (His 2nd coming), and then the battle at Armageddon is discussed here again.

Chapter 20: Discusses again the resurrection of all Christians from the Disciples age through the Church Age until Christ’s 2nd coming. Satan is bound 1000 years during the reign of Christ on Earth. (Christ’s Kingdom and the converting of all living here on Earth). This is the time frame when all the Christians will be King’s and Priest’s for Christ.

Verses 7-10: After the 1000 years Satan is released to see if all who were converted to Christ in the Kingdom Age will truly follow Christ. The ones that don’t are destroyed and Satan is bound again, this time forever.

Verses 11-15: All who have lived and died from Adam until the 1000 year Kingdom Age is resurrected. They are given their chance to except Christ. The ones that don’t are thrown into the Lake of Fire, (NOT HELL), and are Destroyed forever.  (This is the 2nd Death). Please see Rev. 2:11; Rev. 20;6,14; Rev. 21:8.

Chapter 21: The New Heaven and New Earth are discussed. Now God the Father comes down from Heaven and dwells with Man. The New Jerusalem’s dimensions are discussed.

Chapter 22: Describes the New Earth; The River of Life, and establishes God the Father’s Throne above the Throne of Christ. The last message of the Bible; Repent and choose Christ.

In conclusion, some like to go to the Book of Daniel and other Books to try and figure out what Christ is warning us about, what county this is and that is, and so on. Some also say, Hey, if you are a TRUE Christian, you will know what it is saying and understand it completely and know all of the who, what and where’s about the end time. I will end with a couple of scriptures, it says in (Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11) “The just shall live by faith”, If God gave us all the answers, How would we live by Faith? Finally, the Book of Revelations true meaning for all of mankind; Christians’ will spend Eternity in God’s Kingdom with Jesus Christ, the World’s Savior for all who will accept him. What a wonderful “Message of Hope” for all of mankind.    Pastor Mark

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